Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring Cleaning Your Mental Health

Spring has sprung here in Ottawa, but you'd never be able to tell with all the snow we've gotten this week!

While the Spring represents a breath of fresh air, closet cleaning, opening windows, and planting gardens, it's an excellent time to think about "spring cleaning your mental health".

What are some ways that you can get started? 


With it being tax season, it's a great way to look at your finances.  Are you in the place where you want to be financially, or does like cause you stress?  Sitting down to revisit, or come up with a budget is a great way to get started on your goal.  If this is a scary adventure for you, look at speaking to a Financial Advisor, or a trusted friend or relative to help you.  There is no harm in asking for help!


The dreaded 9-5 job is a big stressor in many lives.  Or lack thereof even.  Spring is a great time to rework your resume if you're looking for a new job, or to re-energize yourself in your current work.  Are you happy, but a little bored at work?  Consider asking your boss if there is any new project you can dive into.  Are you between jobs, or simply out of work?  There are many career opportunities online, and headhunters will be able to target your strengths to help you find an amazing job.


Are you feeling lost in your relationship?  Winter can play a factor in this, with being in hibernation and snowed in during the colder months.  As we start getting warmer outside, it's a great way to reconnect with the ones you love.  A walk, run, a new activity such as soccer or something fun could reignite a spark in your relationship.  If you're in a relationship that is physically, mentally or emotionally abusve, we are here for you, and there are many places that can help you.  For more resources, you can call us at 613-238-3311. 


After being cooped up with hot chocolate, movies, and indoor activities during the winter months, your kids may be bouncing off the walls waiting for the warmer weather.  The City of Ottawa has excellent day & sleep away camps, outdoor activities that are light on the wallet, and more.  As a family, if a vacation is in dire need, now is a great time to sit down together, and decide where to go.  If you have a budget, give your kids options (one for each kid) and put them into a bucket, and pull one of those options out.  This way, it's a family choice, and everyone is happy in the end!  Have fun planning, and take lots of amazing pictures to remember your getaway.  If a "stay-cation" in the plans, there are so many fun things to do in our beautiful city!

Time for YOU

You're busy.  Whether it's work, family, friends....sometimes all you want to do is relax.  Remember that being too available sometimes can wreak havic on your body.  Make sure that you are taking care of yourself with proper vitamins (ask your doctor), getting regular check ups at your family doctor, exercising, eating well, and sleeping at least 6-8 hours a night.  You are just as important as everyone else, so make sure to treat yourself well!

As always, we are here for you, regardless of what you're going through.  Give us a call at 613-238-3311 to speak with one of our amazing volunteers, and we'll listen to everything you have to say.

Happy Springtime!

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