Thursday, September 20, 2012

Estate Donations

As we age, we start thinking about how to take care of our families after we've passed, and how to leave a little something of ourselves behind with services we've cared about.

When writing your Will, you can request a Charitable Estate Donation to be made on your behalf to the charity of your choosing.  No one ever wants to actually write their Will, but it's very important to make sure your Estate is going where you would want it to go.

Making a Charitable Estate Donation is a way of giving back to your community.  Choosing the Distress Centre of Ottawa & Region as your charity of choice, will help keep the centre doing what we do best - helping those in crisis.

You can choose to have a bequest in your Will that a certain amount of dollars, goes towards your charity.  The executor of your WIll will see that this gets done with your Lawyer.

Another option is if you have a life insurance policy, that you can choose to put a percentage of the policy towards your charity of choice.  It can be as little as 1% all the way to 100%.  Donating part or all of your life insurance policy can substantially increase the amount your charity of choice actually gets. 

You can choose to have an RSP go directly to the charity.

There are many options available to you when preparing your Will, and you should always seek out the advice of a professional at a bank, or your lawyer.  Discussing your wishes with either or both of these professionals will ensure that your wishes are fufilled. 

When choosing your charity, ensure that they are a registerd charity.

We hope that you'll consider donating to the Distress Centre of Ottawa & Region, when planning you Will.  Our charitable number is 10807 9815 RR0001.

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